Monday, February 5, 2007

Interview with Friend #1

Un-churched Friend #1
I interviewed J for my un-churched friend; he’s 20 years old male that lives in Birdsboro, PA. I went to high school and now work with him, and have known him for about four years. I have talked with him before and somewhat knew where he was coming from before the interview, but the responses he gave were interesting and good to know.
J has never attended any church regularly and has not been to a service since he was a child. He believes that the area he lives in is in greatest need of a role model and leader, someone that can help people and stays away from drugs and alcohol. I also asked him about youth in the area and he responded similarly and thought it should be someone over 21 years old. J said that he is most affected by political issues, and from what I have seen it seems to be something that frustrates him. He said that most people do not attend church because they are too lazy, church is too early in the morning, they’re too busy, and that people have mixed beliefs within families especially within marriages. I asked J if he did attend a church what would it look like and act like: he said that it would agree with what he believes, it would have a larger number of younger people, good music like a band, a smaller church, friendly as in shakes hands but no hugging, and also a church where you can get in and get out. The last statement, “get in and get out,” kind of surprised me, I could see him being someone to stay and talk. What advice would you give a pastor who wanted to be helpful to people? He responded to this by saying someone who was willing to do there best, and also now that you cannot reach everyone. J seems to really place emphasis on leadership.
His idea of Jesus is “he’s the man,” hero, leader, really was God’s son, and that he was also Godly or righteous. J said that he might possibly go to church in the future but it depends on things like, wife, getting up in time for church, his schedule to slow down, a girlfriend that would bring him or if it matched the list written above. He said that when he thinks of a Christian he thinks of me, that hit me deep, but he said that he views Christians as strong, positive people that have strong beliefs. His idea of sin and heaven and hell was also interesting. He believes in sins and views them as mistakes and regrets, such as murdering, stealing, or anything that hurts people. In order to get into heaven he said you should be a good person, and live a less sinful life; hell is for people that are generally just evil or people that hurt people.

This interview was very neat for me because I felt like it really opened a door he J and I to talk and for me to better understand what he believes and where he comes from. The biggest thing that impacted me was when he said he thought of me when he thought of a Christian; this was exciting and neat because I feel like I actual am viewed in a positive and strong way.

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