Sunday, January 28, 2007

Jason Lamer Interview:

Jason Lamer:
-Graduate of North Central Bible
-A preacher’s son, with God’s call on his life to reach out to youth. (He saw passion from his father which showed in his life today).
-He learned from his father that God will provide and that integrity is very important. “Find the need and meet it!”- A slogan adopted for the church. (His church seemed to be a place of healing and help)
-After school he started working as a youth pastor in Union Town, PA.
-He worked and visited personally with students, showing that relationships are very important. (I really enjoyed his enthusiasm and love for youth, you could tell that his passion was to reach out to the youth and to be a friend as well as a pastor to them.)
-His youth group was very involved with the community, which opened many doors such as parades, school assemblies (which they paid for), campus ministries, as well as sports recognition, and county fairs. (This seemed like an excellent idea to me, I never thought of becoming so connected with the community, but it really shows our love as Christians for those outside the walls of the church.)
-The county he worked in included 22 out 0f 32 of PA’s failing school systems. (Again this kind of went with his churches slogan of where there is a need, meet it...Great!)
-After working with the youth group for a while Jason moved on to work with Youth Alive. (He satyed connected with youth and moved to a level were he could effect and help more youth, I like that his calling for ministry changed but he still focused on youth.)
-Youth Alive is a ministry that operates with churches to reach out to local campuses and students. (This was something that was very exciting for me, i think that one way to reach youth is to go to them and no wait for them to come to church, Jason really found a great way to occomplish this goal!)
-The key points of Youth alive: Prayer, Campus Missionaries (Bible campus club training), Campus Ministries (clubs), and the Seven Project. (Each one has a huge importance and impact, yet there all alittle different...I love that there student lead and include students, it really helps to include, train and reach students when there younger.)
-Seven Project
-A public school and campus ministry team that works in schools presenting in assemblies and reaching out to students through sports, drama, stories and many other things. Know one speaks for more then five minutes.
-After school assembly’s students are invited back to the school to hear about their faith.
-Top issues addressed in schools: 1) Peer pressure 2) Coping 3) Integrity 4) Character development 5) Scholastic achievement 6) drugs/ alcohol.
-Always works with a few churches in community in relation to the assemblies, sometimes up to six.
-We need to balance between fun and truth: “What ever you use to reach students you have to use to keep the students.”

-(I think this was one of my favorit parts of Jason's interview, I think that it is so neat that Churches have the oppertunity to go into public schools and eventually share the gospel as well as reach out to youth! Public schools desperately need help and especially good help that is not worldly, this is a great project!)
-I was very inspired by Jason’s interview and also very excited about the work he is doing with youth around Penn/Del. He was a very neat and genuine man, a role model in my book. He was a great encouragement to me…

Monday, January 22, 2007